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Pretty cool game! There were some problems with the collision of your player not changing size as you got big, so I would be massive and go right over some honey or power ups and it would not pick them up, and general detection of absorbing other bees was hard to figure out. Also I assume the other players are AI or mostly AIs, and they are cool but aren't very aggressive and none of them seemed to try to capture any of the flowers or hives. Otherwise really cool!


Thanks for the feedback! We are currently re-working the collision system right now as our top priority. Getting items and absorbing bees will be MUCH easier in the next update. Currently we have some AI that are there to fill the server when there aren't many other players. Also working on making them more advanced and fun to play with. Hope you had fun!

I can rotate the bee with the mouse, but boost doesn't work. Neither spacebar nor double tapping do anything?

Thanks for trying out Hibee! We will be adding more detailed instructions on how to play, but the boosting only works when you have score and it subtracts your score as you boost. Hope you enjoyed! More to come soon ;)

camera glitches